Joe’s Headaches
Joe is being plagued by terrible headaches.One day,after years of suffering,he decides to see a headache specialist.The doctor tells Joe to strip ,inspects him all… Read More »Joe’s Headaches
Joe is being plagued by terrible headaches.One day,after years of suffering,he decides to see a headache specialist.The doctor tells Joe to strip ,inspects him all… Read More »Joe’s Headaches
Marrying your sole-mate
My brain: knows NYE stands for New year’s Eve.Also my brain: New York eity
Who’s there?Abby.Abby who?Abby new year!
Uno, dos… poof. He disappeared without a tres.
I celebrate 4/20 on January 5thWhy?Because I like to reduce fractions.Happy New Year
I haven’t seen a repost since last decade.