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Fun jokes


Last year, I brought my boyfriend home to meet my family for Christmas. My husband was pissed!


When a woman says “what?” It doesn’t mean she didn’t hear you, it means she’s giving you a chance to correct herself.


I had a bikini wax today, It wasn’t painful at all. Very pleasent and quite erotic actually…. watching four chicks in flimsy swimwear wash my… Read More »wax

for my wife

People look at me strange when I buy tampons at the supermarket. “They’re for the wife,” I say patiently, as I pack them away. Then… Read More »for my wife


There is a girl walking up the stairs in a church one day. As the priest is walking by, he looks up and notices that… Read More »razor


At the marriage counselor, my wife says, “I do SO enjoy sex! But this horndog wants it five or six times a YEAR!”


While at the mall the other day, I saw a sign saying “Watch repairs”… Wasn’t very interesting to be honest, I’d rather watch porn!!

one day

baby: ” you mean to tell me one day I’m gonna have to pay to suck on boobies!?” mom: ” yes,now suck it”


My boyfriend opened the car door for me last night. It would have been a sweet gesture had we not been going 70 mph.