Fun jokes
I asked my local butcher if he had a sheep’s head?
He said “no it’s just the way I part my hair”
I wonder if old houseflies tell the younger ones stories like:
“Back in my day, it was Monday”.
Which subreddit is on top most of the time?
I don’t know. Why don’t you askreddit?
Girls always call me ugly until they find out how much money I make.
Then they start calling me ugly and broke.
I’m a bartender
Guy: One Mojito pleaseMe: SureGuy: Can you make it virgin?Me (Holding back tears): Yes… yes I can
A waiter brings dinner to the table
The patron remarks, “Why is your thumb on my steak?””I didn’t want it to fall on the floor again!”
My ex is upset that I tell people she performs multiple handjobs every day for £5 a pop…
Apparently, the proper description for her job is “manicurist,”