Be yourself. Unless you want to be with me. Then be what I want. At the exact moment that I want it. – All women
Be yourself. Unless you want to be with me. Then be what I want. At the exact moment that I want it. – All women
After spending every spare minute of the last ten years trying to perfect my cloning machine, I finally cracked it last night. Now I don’t… Read More »what to do
Now that most computers have touchscreens, websites should make their advertising links look like smudges.
“People should just mind their own business,” probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read on a social networking site.
Classic- “Every snack you make, every meal you bake, every bite you take, I’ll be watching you.” -The Dog
A bird shat on my arm. So naturally I wiped it off with a piece of bread and fed it to the bastard. Check mate… Read More »revenge
The sight of a woman’s cleavage reduces a man’s ability to think clearly by 50% Per boob.
I put “your name” on my paper and when the teacher said “who put your name on their paper?” everybody raised their hands.
“My dad says, you can check my computer. Is that right, Mr. Obama?” “He’s not your dad.”
i will be answering all questions…with my middle fiinger today