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Fun jokes


“Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful… Read More »Why

No replace

When asked if online comics would replace actual comic books, Stan Lee said, “Comic books are like boobs. They look great on a computer, but… Read More »No replace


It would be difficult to explain a fountain to someone from the 3rd world. “This is our water showing off contraption… we also throw our… Read More »Explain

Best joke

The postman told me he’s off to Spain tomorrow so I asked if he was going to Parcelona and he ignored what I believe to… Read More »Best joke


Me: “Hey babe, I’m at the hospital, I cut off my finger.” Wife: “Oh no, the whole finger?”  Me:”No, no…the one next to it.” 


I went in a CD store and asked the guy behind the counter if they had any Run DMC records. “Walk this way,” he replied.


“I’ve got a boyfriend,” is a woman’s’s way of saying fuck off and leave me alone. “I’ve got a girlfriend,” is a man’s way of… Read More »Difference


When I die, I’m not going to Heaven or Hell, I’m going to the Complaint Department.