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Fun jokes


The wife rang me at the pub giggling, “The kids are at mums, I’ve got a bottle of Chardonnay, and I’m in my sexy new… Read More »JOKESTER


A man with a stutter died in prison today….. He didn’t even finish his sentence. ☠?☠


What starts with an ‘O’ ends with an ‘ions’ and sometimes makes you cry? Opinions. ???


I saw my Ex wife yesterday, she was at the other end of the Museum from me. I would have said hello, but there was… Read More »JOKESTER


Me: sometimes I talk to myself Me: OMG, same


Probiotics are good for you, but they’re still not sure about the benefits of amateur biotics.


I went on a blind date with a woman, whose online profile said she had a “infectious smile.” She was fu***ng suffering from Herpes. ???


Make it awkward today by asking people what they did for Valentine’s day.When they answer, “dinner”, you should say, “No…after that.”

Just sayin’

The phrase “until death do us part” was invented when the average lifespan was 35 years.

Neither me

Cop: Sir, are you drunk? Me: No, occifer. Cop: Step out of the car and say the alphabet backwards, please. Me: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba Cop: I’m impressed,… Read More »Neither me