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Fun jokes


When I was a toddler, my parents would always say, “Excuse my French” just after a swear word. I’ll never forget the first day at… Read More »French

From her

My wife wanted me to come shopping, but I had a headache… I must have caught it from her last night when we didn’t have… Read More »From her


The bible is the longest set of Terms and Conditions ever. So many people agree with it without knowing why.


The Spice Girls showed us that women even when given the opportunity to tell us exactly what they want, what they really really want, will… Read More »Nonsense


I have a confession to make, years ago I had a sex change, I went from having a lot of sex to having none… it… Read More »Change


“If you win the lottery, the first thing I want you to get me is a face lift and a boob job,” said my 35… Read More »Why


Be wary if your girlfriend has a ‘”special romantic night” planned. You’ll burn yourself on at least one of the 30 odd fucking candles and… Read More »Warning


A recent test showed that the average man burns off 125 calories after having sex for an hour… If he was having sex for an… Read More »Average