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  • so good

    Shouting, constantly rearranging stuff and sweeping.

    No wonder women are so good at curling!!

  • fear

    One of my biggest fears is that after I die I’ll get reincarnated as myself.

  • remove

    My wife is one of those people that can spot the humour in any given situation.

    And quickly remove it.

  • replacement

    We should place the elderly in prisons because they will get a shower everyday, video surveillance in case of problems, three meals a day, access to a library, computers, TVs, gym, doctors on-site, and free medication if needed.

    Put criminals in nursing home and they will get cold meals, lights off at 7 p.m., two showers a week, live in a smaller room and pay rent at $4000 a month!
    It’s pretty sad that we treat prisoners better than the elderly.

  • prank

    My favorite thing to do at the library is leave browser tabs open with search results for “Best way to clean cum off a keyboard?”

  • why

    My wife said, ” Why do you never take me to the theatre? You know I love the theatre.”

    I said, “Why do you never take me to the strip club?”

  • run

    I try to let my wife run things at home.
    Like the dishwasher, hoover and lawnmower.

  • fault

    it’s my girlfriend’s fault I slept with all her friends…. she’s the one that told them I have a huge cock!!

  • without

    Valentine’s Day is just a massive hassle bruh. I need to:

    1. Remember to text my girlfriend a long lovey dovey message at the beginning of the day.
    2. Remember to buy her a card on my lunch break. 3. Buy her some more crap after work before I meet her. 4. Take her to a fancy restaurant and pay for a pointlessly expensive meal. 5. Take her back to her place and make love to her gently and passionate, even though all I want to do is fuck the shit out of her. And heres the kicker, I have to do all this then drive home without my wife finding out.

  • trick

    I can’t believe I actually tricked a woman into sleeping with me.

    All I had to do was buy her a ring and live with her for the rest of my life.