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  • without

    I love watching women’s Curling during the Olympics.
    It’s the only time I can drink beer while cheering on a woman sweeping a broom…without getting slapped.

  • one more

    I pulled my wife bleeding from the wrecked car, as she screamed and pleaded for me to let her have one more shot at parking it again.

  • holding

    Got a porno the other day, I put it in the DVD player but it was just a dark blurry picture of some guy holding his massive cock. Then I realised I hadn’t switched the TV on!

  • faster

    Nothing moves faster than a girl untagging herself from an ugly picture.

  • believing

    Insanity is believing your hallucinations are real.
    Religion is believing other people’s hallucinations are real.

  • wrong

    Hello sir, we’re from your internet provider. You’ve recently said that “homosexuality is wrong,” so we’ve blocked you from seeing lesbian porn.

  • short cut

    I walked into a barbershop today.
    The guy said, “Can I help you sir?”
    I said, “I just need a short cut”, as I walked through the shop and out through the back door.

  • won

    I walked in last night and my wife said, “Where have you been?”
    I said, “Playing poker at Dave’s.”
    She said, “Ok, what have you lost this time?”
    I said, “I won actually.” “Oh,” she replied. “I bet his wife wasn’t too happy.” “She was furious,” I replied. “But she fucked me anyway.”

  • boxer

    This girl was chatting me up at the pub.

    “So, what do you do for a living?” she asked, batting her eyelids over her glass.”
    “I’m a boxer,” I said proudly. “Oh, lovely!” she winked. “I like sleeping with real men.” Funny how she could be so impressed that I work for Amazon.

  • nobody

    I danced like nobody was watching and now I need a lawyer.