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  • Mess

    Women are quick to leave a man who lives with his mom but will mess with a man who lives with his wife.

  • Swap

    My wife stopped the car today and asked a guy for some directions.
    “What’s the quickest way to get to the town centre?” she asked.
    “Swap seats with your husband.” He said.

  • Alive?

    I didn’t have alcohol for a week and got a text from my Liver, “Hey there! You still alive?”

  • Nominated

    Just got nominated for an Oscar for
    my role as “man surprised his credit
    card was declined”

  • Own hands

    My girlfriend broke up with me.
    I guess it’s time to take things in my own hands now.

  • Negotiate

    The kidnapper rang and said to me, “€10,000 and you get your wife back.”
    “Negotiate with him!” advised the policeman.
    “€20,000 and she’s all yours.” I said.

  • Breath away

    My girlfriend told me she wanted me to surprise her with a gift that will take her breath away. I’m thinking about getting her a treadmill

  • In line

    When standing in line, I only hate the people in front of me.
    The people behind me are cool.

  • My cross

    A husband coming home from a confession and lifts his wife and carries her on his shoulder. Wife: Did the priest tell you to be so romantic like this? Husband: No, he told me to carry my cross.

  • Just to hold

    My wife came in starving today so I made her a great big sandwich.
    “Don’t eat it just yet, just hold the plate” I said.
    Five minutes later I took it from her and threw it in the trash.
    “What the fuck?!” she snarled.
    “Remember this feeling,” I said. “Next time you come to bed all sexy, in a nightie, smelling gorgeous and ask me just to hold you.”