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  • Best joke

    The postman told me he’s off to Spain tomorrow so I asked if he was going to Parcelona and he ignored what I believe to be my best joke of 2014.

  • Finger

    Me: “Hey babe, I’m at the hospital, I cut off my finger.”
    Wife: “Oh no, the whole finger?” 
    Me:”No, no…the one next to it.” 

  • Direction

    I went in a CD store and asked the guy behind the counter if they had any Run DMC records.
    “Walk this way,” he replied.

  • Do you know the relationship between two eyes?

    They never see each other…BUT
    1. They blink together.
    2. They move together. 3. They cry together. 4. They see together. 5. They sleep together. They share a very deep bonded relationship. However, when they see a pretty woman, one will blink and another will not… Moral of the story: A pretty woman can break any relationship.

  • Difference

    “I’ve got a boyfriend,” is a woman’s’s way of saying fuck off and leave me alone.
    “I’ve got a girlfriend,” is a man’s way of proposing a threesome.

  • Complaint

    When I die, I’m not going to Heaven or Hell, I’m going to the Complaint Department.

  • In a row

    My mom caught me
    masturbating when I was 14. My
    dad caught me smoking when I was 16 and he made me smoke 20 in a row. I’m so fucking glad my dad didn’t catch me masturbating…

  • Not looking

    A new study has found that women
    find it seven times easier to read
    men’s facial expressions than men
    have reading women’s. That’s mostly because we’re not looking at their faces…

  • Soon

    Cable company: No problem sir, a technician will be out tomorrow between 10:00AM and Thursday

  • Irony

    She believes in honesty and wears a padded bra.