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  • pay for not going

    Gyms should offer a membership package where you pay for everyday you don’t go.

  • the perfect candidate

    A man was being interviewed for a post of a commando in Army!
    Interviewer: We want a person with suspicious mind , always alert, merciless, ready to attack, acute sense of hearing, detective ability and most importantly having a killer instinct!!! So do you think you are eligible???

    Man: Sir…. Can my wife apply?

  • cockroaches

    In the event of a nuclear war the only things that will survive are the cockroaches. Which means we should still have a functioning government.

  • guardian

    I call myself a ‘Guardian of the Galaxy.’

    I’m a security guard at the Samsung store….

  • missing

    I spent the entire day throwing darts at a picture of my wife.
    *wife phones*
    Wife: What you doing?
    Husband: Missing you

  • only dust

    I decided to get rid of my vacuum cleaner today.

    It was just collecting dust.

  • change name

    I’ve changed my name to Getov, so it sounds like girls are shouting my name during sex.

  • even

    I can’t believe the government is reading my emails!
    I don’t even read my emails.

  • funny joke!

    A policeman stopped me today.

    As I stepped out of the car he said, “Sir, what did the big sign say back there?”
    “Children, Slow Down.” I replied. “So why didn’t you?” he asked. I said, “Because I’m 32.”

  • funny joke!

    When you think about how huge the earth is, and how it’s just a fraction the size of the sun, which is just a speck of dust in the entire universe… it’s easy to rationalize eating an entire cake.