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  • I told you

    Cop: you know why I pulled you over?
    Me: cause you wanted to see how tall I am?
    Cop: step out of the car, sir.
    Me: see, I told ya.

  • Trick

    I can’t believe I actually tricked a woman into sleeping with me.

    All I had to do was buy her a ring and live with her for the rest of my life.

  • Difference

    What’s the difference between John Wayne and Jack Daniels? 
    Jack Daniels is still killing Indians

  • Time machine

    I love sleep because it’s like a time machine to breakfast

  • Nice

    If you ask Vanilla Ice’s mother about his childhood…..

    She’ll tell you that he was a nice, nice baby.

  • No mercy

    When a woman is mad for whatever reason at a man and she remains quiet for long periods of time, beware that she is simply plotting with Satan on a way to get back at said man.

    Most of the time Satan is telling her to have mercy.

  • French

    When I was a toddler, my parents would always say, “Excuse my French” just after a swear word.
    I’ll never forget the first day at school when my teacher asked if any of us knew any French.

  • From her

    My wife wanted me to come shopping, but I had a headache…
    I must have caught it from her last night when we didn’t have sex.

  • Laughing

    ME: I had a wet dream about you last night..
    HIM: ooh what was it, do tell
    ME: you got hit by a train, so I pissed myself laughing!

  • Explaining

    Tonight a friend asked if he could crash on my couch.
    I had to explain to him i was married now and that’s where i sleep.