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it was joey’s first day at school and his father warned the teacher that the boy was an avid gambler. he said that joey might win lunch money from the other kids if he wasn’t watched closely.
the teacher was not to worried by this news and insisted she was perfectly capable of monitoring joey’s gambling urges. shortly after lunch on that first day joey’s father called the teacher to ask how things were going. “everything is fine” the teacher said “as a matter of fact, I think I have cured joey’s gambling habit.” the father asked “how have you managed that?” the teacher explained “well, the little monkey insisted on betting me $10 that i had a mole on my rear. finally I agreed to the bet and I took him to the staff room so that I could show him that there was no mole, now that he has lost the money, I don’t think he will be gambling again.” “DAMN!” said the father. ” he bet me $50 this morning that he would see the teachers ass before the day was over.”

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