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Fun jokes


I’ve been suspended from school for another three days. When my science teacher asked me what my favourite element was, karate chopping her and saying… Read More »element


I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for an MRI to find out if I’m claustrophobic.

fun fact

Fuck a woman and she’ll love you…love a woman and she’ll fuck you!


I’m absolutely disgusted! Easter is almost over and I can’t find any christmas cards on sale yet.

in my

There’s a part of me that just wants to be loved… and it’s in my pants.


A little boy was lost in a large mall. He approached a policeman and said, “I’ve lost my dad!” The cop asked, “What’s he like?”… Read More »like

alarm clock

I don’t really like the term “Morning Wood.” I prefer to call it “Jodi’s Alarm Cock.”


What’s black and begins with “Nig”? Night. You racist bitch

for patent

Bartenders should put a pink straw in every women’s fourth drink. This would be a signal for men that she is ready.


A highly dangerous virus called “Weekly Overload Recreational Killer” (WORK) is currently going around. If you come in contact with this WORK virus you should… Read More »virus