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  • secure place

    If you want to keep a
    secret from me, write it and send it to
    me as a Facebook event invitation.

  • study

    Coincidence? I think not.

  • history

    School teacher: do you prefer modern history or ancient history?
    Me: I only know about clearing history.

  • Michelle

    Got up extra early to shave my legs because I’m gonna order pizza now.
    I watch a lot of porn.

  • so true

    Going to war over religion is basically killing one another to see who’s got the better imaginary friend…

  • news

    Very soon women will pay men to suck their breasts..
    BBC Homepage Top News Story –
    Doctors recommend that women reduce the risk of breast cancer, by having their breasts sucked.
    It is said that regular sucking of the breast lowers the risk level. Help save a life today, Suck some boobs today! Send this to all responsible men, & to ladies who are unaware of the high risk. Men please save women. We will save tigers later..

  • pride

    I was sitting in a room with my Aunts, uncles and cousins I looked over at my grandmother who had the biggest smile on her face, I asked her why her face was like that, she replied “Everyone in this room is alive because of my vagina”

  • ready

    My husband said last night, “Do you realise my mother is coming over for dinner in 5 minutes?”
    I replied, “Yes I know, I’m getting ready now”
    “That sounds like her car pulling up outside”
    “No, that’s my taxi, see you later”

  • dinner at the restaurant

    Me and my wife were having a romantic meal in a restaurant, when I said, “Close your eyes babe and don’t peek until I say so”
    A minute later, I said,”Ok, you can open them now”
    “What is it then? You’ve got me all excited” She replied
    …”Just the dessert trolley babe” I said,”but don’t worry, it’s past us now”

  • hold

    Brain: “Ok body, lets go to sleep”.
    Penis: “Hold the fuck up, I gotta get up and stretch for a second”.