You know that feeling when an old flame contacts you out of the blue to tell you that you’re a father?
Because it’s rapidly becoming apparent to me.
Someone has their house be robbed in Russia
The house owner says “Damn you, this is MY property!” The robber responds “No. This is OUR property”.
Why do you have to break up with your japanese gf twice?
Because you have to drop the bomb twice before she gets the message.
What do you get when your cross an elephant with a rhino?
Hell if I know!
I’m rebranding my moods
I’ve decided to stop referring to my moods as manic or depressive. From now on they will be called beast mode and cocoon mode.I also think a lot about that joke about how God invented whiskey to prevent the Irish from taking over the world (I’m Irish). I think that idea applies to being bipolar. It’s like living the game of life on expert level. If we could find a way to stabilize our moods and maintain good manic energy for long periods of time, we’d be running things.
Why does Waldo wear stripes
Because he doesn’t want to be spotted
What does Jeffrey Epstein have in common with Christmas decorations?
They’re always hung way too early.
How do you please an Amish woman?
Two mennonite.
I was just thinking of a color that doesn’t exist…
but then I realized it was just a pigment of my imagination.
Why is a genie’s lower half transparent?
So you don’t see their Djinn-itals.
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