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  • @Unique2690

    U.S. officials recently shared intel gathered of the Kremlin
    They’ve warned Putin is willing to start World Special Military Operation I.

  • How To Be Honest | Awkward Puppets

  • @deadshakadog

    I never knew you drank until I saw you sober last night.

  • Used to be called a super deluxe wank.

    A girl is talking to her guy friend: “I found condoms in my boyfriend’s jacket. We don’t use condoms and when I confronted him, he told me he uses them to masturbate. Do you ever do that??”

    “Sure”, her guy friend replies.

    “Really?? You masturbate into condoms??!”

    “Oh”, he responded, “No. I thought you meant ‘do I lie to my girlfriend’!”

  • @nabilbhatiya/

    What do you call someone who identifies a disease by reading about symptoms on Google?

    Google Doc

  • @AdeptLengthiness8886/

    How do know you are ugly?

    Your dog keeps its eyes closed whilst humping your leg

  • every morning

    So one blood cell says “Good morning”
    Other blood cell says “Hey, wanna go to the dick?”

  • @MrDagon007

    I was searching Google Images for Rorschach tests.
    But all I found were pictures of my parents fighting.

  • Too annoying

  • Brilliant idea!!! ????