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What do you feel the real distribution of NTs is on a scale between “total assholes” and “basically cool?”

The recent drama over that “aspertards” set off a bit of a discussion where people pointed out that people who do things like that are a very small minority, and the vast majority of people are basically fine when it comes to autism.That got me wondering how people here tend to perceive NTs and their attitudes towards your autism. So from a scale of 1-5, with 1 being total assholes to 5 being basically cool about it where do you think NTs fall? To elaborate the scale:Basically straight out assholes who think you’re just a whiny, defective human being and any attempt on your part to feel good about yourself is just pretentious and needs to be viciously batted down until you feel like garbage againPeople who are shamed by peer pressure into hiding the fact that they think you’re retarded, but will say it outright if pressedPeople who don’t feel any particular way about autism and refuse to learn. They assume you don’t have problems, subconsciously find you off putting and eventually come to hate you due to a variety of low level social faux pas you’re not cognizant of. If you told them you’re autistic they’d just assume you were using it as an excusePeople who are are trying but doing it badly. Like, they look down on you, but more through the subtle bias of low expectations. They wouldn’t hire you for a job and won’t level with you on anything, but they’ll think they’re doing you a favor by acting that wayPeople who would actually take the knowledge that you’re autistic in a constructive way, who might actually try to appreciate where you’re coming fromMy own sense:1%9%50%30%10%