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TRP can’t define Alpha in a helpful way CMV

The biggest question anyone who enters TRP, right after ‘how do I get women to fuck?’ is ‘how can I be alpha?’ so this naturally leads to a lot of discussion about alphas.Typically, you either get one of two responses:”An alpha is a person who exhibits these traits:”Or”An Alpha is someone sexually successful with women”There are guys with stone cold frame that do not get laid, just like there are guys with hella weak frame that get laid. The second definition helps no one because that’s why they’re asking the question in the first place; they want to get laid.Can we call confident men who don’t get laid “betas?” or should we call the insecure loser a “beta” even though he gets laid? The second definition goes against the first.To TRP: you are not going to be able to create some type of personality that can get consistently laid. I don’t care if it’s a “toolbox,” most of its readers see it as steps to get laid. That’s because it is, and when it doesn’t work, you just claim it as a toolbox.