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There is no problem with boys and girls having different school dress codes

I live in the UK, and there have been several recent cases where schoolboys have been allowed to wear skirts as part of their uniform, in one school a few dozen boys even came into school wearing skirts as a form of protest. At my high school there was also an incident a few years ago where a guy that wears makeup was asked to wash it off by one of the deputy heads, which upset a lot of the other students and many questioned why girls were allowed to wear makeup but he was not.Here’s the thing. School uniforms/dress codes by design are not supposed to facilitate self-expression, they are supposed to do the opposite. In addition to providing education itself, school prepares students for adult life in numerous ways such as teaching them how to work with others they did not choose, spending several hours a day doing something they may not necessarily want to and, most importantly for this thread, adhere to a dress code that might not align with their personal fashion choices.It’s a simple fact that in our culture men and women dress differently and that those who deviate from this and dress more like the opposite gender will raise eyebrows. If effeminate boys want to express themselves in how they dress in their own time, they can wear as much makeup as they want, but for their own sake they need to learn to conform with established school and workplace conventions. Not teaching them this does them a disservice.