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The people of Iranian city of Isfahan were famous for their jokes and puzzles.

An Iranian townsman planned to visit Isfahan so he asked his friends what they would like him to bring them from the glorious metropolis.They said, “Don’t bring us anything but something witty said by a person from Isfahan.”The guy promised he would remember their request. So, he went to the city and had a great time there. While he was on his way back to some station in a taxi, it occurred to him that he had forgotten to ask a guy for some joke or puzzle.”What bothers you?” Asked the taxi driver, sensing trouble.”My pals asked me to bring them some Isfahani joke but it seems I totally forgot about it.””What’s the big deal?” Driver consoled him. “I’m from Isfahan. Let me tell you a witty puzzle. Answer this: Who is my father’s son but is not my brother?”The hapless fellow thought for a few moments and then admitted he was at loss to answer.”That would be me.” Driver said with a smirk. “I am my father’s son but I am not my brother.”The townsman laughed at the joke and was pleased with it. At the end of the journey, he asked the driver for his name.”My name is Ali Hassan.” Told the taxi driver.