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The donkey in the backyard

A restaurant owner has a sign in the front: “whoever makes the donkey in the backyard laugh, gets a free meal”A man comes in. He asked the owner if he could try to make the donkey laugh.“Go for it.”, says the owner.The customer goes to the donkey and whispers something to the donkey. The donkey is laughing out his lungs out.The owner can’t believe his eyes but serves the man his free meal.The next day, the owner hangs out another sign: “whoever makes the donkey cry, gets a free meal”The same man as before comes in and asks the owner if he could give it a try.“Why not” says the owner, knowing he couldn’t make it a second time.The man goes in the backyard and after a few moments you hear the donkey sobbing and crying.The man comes back and the owner is totally confused.