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So there’s this guy drinking at a bar, getting absolutely shit faced

Near the end of the night, after he had a few too many, he pukes all over his shirt. He’s yells out “oh fuck, not again, my wife is going to kill me.”Hearing this, the bartender tells him to take a $20 bill out of his wallet, and put it in his shirt pocket, and when he gets home to tell his wife that someone else puked on him, and gave him $20 to have the shirt cleaned.Thinking this is a great idea, the man heads home to his wife.As he stumbles into the house, his wife asks what the hell happened. “Well you see, I was having a quiet night, when this guy puked all over me. But don’t worry, he gave me $20 to have it cleaned.” He then pulls the bill out of his shirt pocket and gives it to his wife.The wife looks at the bill and says “this isn’t a $20 bill it’s a $50 bill.”The man responds “oh right, he also shit my pants.”