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Quasimodo needed a sub bell ringer…

Put an ad in the paper. No one showed up for weeks. Finally a knock on the door. Guy standing there with no arms. Quasi is incredulous, doesn’t think he can do it. Guy begs..”c’mon Quasi, give me a chance…as a handicapped person yourself, you know how hard it is to find work” Quasimodo says, “OK…it’s noon, let’s try you out” They reach the top of the bell tower, the guy crouches down, takes a running start and slams his forehead into the bell. BONG! By the time he hits it 12 times, he’s woozy. Dizzy. CTE symptoms. He stumbles, and falls off the tower and hits the ground. Splat. By the time Quasi gets down the stairs, a crowd has gathered. Someone asks “Does anyone know his name?” Quasi: “I don’t know his name, but his face sure rings a bell”