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  • Damn 13 years on Reddit

  • Big brain

  • It’s How It is

  • What is better than a woman?

    -It is 2 woman (Slightly hearable lesbian porn sounds.)

  • Get off my lawn. Damn spiders.

  • Carbon monoxide from dryer

    So dryers emit a lot of carbon monoxide, right? What if I were to capture some of that in a garbage bag and tie it over my head? I heard that carbon monoxide lets you go quietly, maybe that would dull my survival instinct enough to see Jesus? Or would it be impossible to capture enough CO to do the deed?

  • Trump

    Odds of the British press IQ puzzle Donald Trump came to London, and met Queen Elizabeth. Trump asked the queen saying, “Your Majesty, I find it much more difficult in political matters than I had imagined, may I ask you how you can operate such an effective government? Are there any tips that you can give me?” Well, Her Majesty answered, “The important thing is to surround yourself with smart people.” Trump answers and asks (angry): “But how do I know that the people around me are really smart?” Oh, that’s easy. The Queen replied, “You just ask them to answer a puzzle!” And the queen pressed the call button: “Please send Theresa May here.” The British Prime Minister entered the room, saying, “Do you invite me, Your Majesty?” The Queen said: “I ask you to answer me this question, my dear Teresa; your mother and father have a child, not your brother and not your sister who is?” And second, Theresa May replied, “That’s me!” “Yes, very good,” the queen said. Trump returned to the White House, and the next day he invited Mike Pence to come to see him. Pence Balfour came to the Oval Office. Donald said: “Mike, answer me this question if you allow; your mom and dad have a child, not your brother and not your sister who is?” “I’m not sure,” Pence said. “Let me get back to you about that.” Pence went terrified to his advisers and asked them all, but none of them managed to give him an answer. The next night, Pence rushed to Hillary Clinton and they met in a restaurant. He looked at her desperately, saying: “Hillary, I know we haven’t met face-to-face before, but I really appreciate you, if only you could answer this puzzle!” “Absolutely, Mike,” Hillary said. “what is the Question?” “Thank you,” Pence said. “The question is: your mother and father have a child, not your brother and not your sister. Who?” Hillary just answered, “Easy, it’s me!”

  • 16 year old Trump just had sex

    Young Trump: Dad, dad! I just had sex for the first time!Trump senior: thats great my son, you are a winner! Come, sit and tell me all about it.Young Trump: I cant, my ASS hurts!

  • I made a roulette, its about the amount my parents are going to give their godchildren, I decided to tweak it a bit

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  • A malicious genie grants you one wish. How does it go horribly wrong?