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  • tulips

    my girlfriend says her pussy’s like a rose
    But I think it looks more like tulips

  • @rey_lumen

    “Have you ever taken it in the other hole?”
    “No way, that would get me pregnant!”

  • My wife and I split up because of Psychological reasons….

    She was Psycho, and I was Logical

  • How do you call the mouth of a smoker?
    the exhaust pipe

  • I broke up with a girl once because she was having hallucinations.
    She said “Carl, I.. can’t see you anymore”… That was weird. I was like- “Babe, I’m standing right here.” then she said “No, you don’t understand… I’m seeing someone else” which was really bizarre because it was just the two of us in the room. I had to break it off after that.

  • Grey hair is hereditary.
    You get it from your children.

  • ratings

    Movie ratings are an indication of who gets the girl
    Rated G – the prince gets the girl.
    Rated PG – the hero gets the girl.
    Rated R – the villain gets the girl.
    Rated X – everyone gets the girl!

  • you shouldn’t take my class on reverse psychology

  • @vartha

    Tired of losing money in the stock market?
    Come visit our online casino.

  • Do you remember

    Do you remember before the internet, people thought that the lack of information was the cause of stupidity?

    Yeah, well that definitely wasn’t the cause.