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  • woman of my dreams

    My horoscope says I will meet the woman of my dreams today. Not sure how my wife will take the news but I’m pretty damn excited.

  • profit for all

    I place $20 in a box.
    So do you.
    Now the box contains $40, and we both know it.
    I sell the box to you for $30. And we both walk away with a $10 profit.

  • woman of my dreams

    My horoscope says I will meet the woman of my dreams today. Not sure how my wife will take the news but I’m pretty damn excited.

  • money for sex

    Wife: Do you wanna have sex?

    Me: Yeah, I thought you’d never ask

    Wife: Ok here’s £40 and there’s a brothel around the corner.

  • prank

    As I bent down on one knee in the expensive restaurant my girlfriend starting crying and screaming “Yes!” As I picked up my phone from the floor I asked, “What the hell are you yelling for?”

  • not to lie

    I said to my husband “Why don’t you tell me you love me?”

    He said “For fuck sake woman, I can’t win, you told me last week to stop lying to you.”

  • ready

    I always have skis mounted on the roof of my car just in case I flip it and land in the snow.

  • good hangover

    I don’t even call it a hangover anymore. It’s just morning.

  • time to stop

    I keep getting bombarded with emails about penis enlargement.

    I wish my wife would stop it.

  • good

    Ive never caught my penis in my zipper…

    See a small penis is too good for something.