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I feel like what I think doesn’t really matter to my father.

I have concerns about my mental health but whenever I talk to my dad about it he either chalks it up to me being lazy or just me going through puberty. I’m starting to believe he’s right and I’m not sure it’s because that’s what it is or it’s just the fact that I’m being told that the reason I’ve and over and over again. I just don’t know what to think and.. I don’t know. He also seems to believe that any kind of mental condition is the same as being retarded and I don’t want to argue with him about it because I don’t want him to start shouting any more and possibly hit me. I just don’t know what to do or how to feel. I don’t want to bring this up with anyone because I also feel like I’m imagining it’s worse than it actually is or that I might end up I am even worse situation I’m in right now because he’ll constantly shout at me for “telling the school I’m retarded.” I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense we “had a conversation” about 10 minutes ago, meaning he just yelled at me for 40 minutes straight about I have an F in one class and missing a few assignments in others. He’s also threatening to send me to a military academy if I don’t get that F up but that’s for another time.