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Guy goes into the bank, walks up to the teller and says, “Hiya Toots, I wanna make a fuckin’ deposit over here.”

The teller is a little taken aback by the customer’s language, but does her best to be professional.”Sir, I’m more than happy to help with that, but I’m going to need to ask you to mind your language while we conduct our business.””Whoa, Lady, take it easy,” the man says, “I just want to make a fuckin’ deposit over here, nice and quick like…””Sir! We are a place of business and I do not need to tolerate such filth. If you can speak civil, then we can proceed to…””Goddam, lady, I just wanna make a fuckin’ deposit and get outta here. Can you just…?”Before he could finish, the teller stormed off to her manager, visibly upset by the man’s coarse language. She complains to her manager for a bit, who finally relents and agrees to deal with the cursing customer.”Hello Sir,” the manager says, “I’m afraid that the teller has taken some offense to the type of language you have been using, and I don’t know that we can complete this transaction.””Oh, for chrissakes, all I’m tryna do is deposit a million fucking dollars…””What?!” The bank manager says incredulously, while pointing at the teller, “And this fucking bitch wouldn’t help you?!”