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A guy is on the bus and sees a beautiful nun.

Wanting to bang her, he walks up to her and says “wanna bang?” To which the nun replies “hell no” and proceeded to get off the bus.Distraught, the man asks the bus driver what to do. The bus driver replied, “Well every night she goes to the cemetery and prays, so if you go dressed as God and tell her that she must bang you to go to heaven, you are set to go”.Excited, the man goes out and buys the best God costume in the country. Later that night, dressed as God, the man tiptoes into the cemetery and sees the hun praying.Having recited his lines, he goes to the nun and says, “if you want to go to heaven, we must bang”. To his surprise, the nun agreed and they proceeded to have rough anal sex.After he finished, he threw off his God costume and proclaimed, “aha! It is I! The Man from the bus!”The nun threw off its clothes and proclaimed, “aha! It is I! The bus driver”