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  • My wife said that I have no discretion…
    What do you guys think?

  • “How to break up with your girlfriend” A two-step process:
    Step 1: take off your glasses
    Step 2: say: ‘I’m afraid I can’t see you anymore!’

  • This morning I went to a meeting for my ‘premature ejaculator support group.’u

    Trns out, it was tomorrow.

  • Me and the girlfriend went to the restaurant for the first time in ages.
    The Waiter said, I am sorry but we are so busy tonight.
    Would you mind waiting for a bit? I said no problem.
    He said well take these drinks to table. 10.

  • After waiting for an hour, the husband finally was able to catch the waiter’s eye. “I want a bottle of your best wine,” he ordered.
    “What year?” asked the waiter.
    “Right now!” bellowed the tourist.

  • I don’t know what “procrastinate” means.
    I think I’ll look it up later.

  • What’s the perfect date?
    DD-MM-YYYY is the most logical to me

  • My life was ruined by my obsession with video games.
    Fortunately, I had another two lives.

  • Just watched an interesting documentary on cocaine…
    Going to watch all documentaries this way now!

  • I ate a kid’s meal at McDonald’s today.
    The parents called the manager.