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  • I think my girlfriend has had sixty-one boyfriends and lovers before me.!

    She always calls me her sixty second lover.!!

  • I Just got fired from Google

    Because I yelled Yahoo! after completing my morning Sudoku at the office

  • How do you get an fat person in your bedroom?

    Piece of cake

  • I’d be a terrible couple’s therapist. I’d be like, “have you tried anal?”

  • 2 married ladies are having lunch in a coffee shop…

    One lady whispers ‘I’m getting a boob job’

    2nd lady: ‘That’s nothing, I’m getting my assh*le bleached’

    1st lady says: ‘Really? I can’t imagine your husband as a blonde’

  • I went to a pet store today and put a large “CHAMELEON” sign in front of an empty cage.

    Stand back and watch the fun.

  • Me – “We’re having a baby!”

    Friend – “Aww, is it a girl or a boy?”

    Me – “Yes, what else could it be..?”

  • I remember when I first started dating my wife, I got a hard-on just watching her eating a banana.

    Now after ten years of marriage, I only get aroused if she starts choking on it.

  • 2 married ladies are having lunch in a coffee shop…

    One lady whispers ‘I’m getting a boob job’

    2nd lady: ‘That’s nothing, I’m getting my assh*le bleached’

    1st lady says: ‘Really? I can’t imagine your husband as a blonde’

  • I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet

    I asked my 15 brothers and sisters and they didn’t know either.