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  • Listen

    The NSA
    The only part of the government that actually listens.

  • Luck

    I have the worst luck in girlfriends. They always shout the wrong name in bed.
    When will women learn that my name is not God?

  • Forgive

    Today I went to confessional at my local church. I said to the priest: “forgive me father for I have sinned, it’s been six months since my last confession.”
    He asked what I would like to confess so I told him: “I’m going to bl@ckmail somebody father.”
    “Why?” He asked.Read More »Forgive

  • Melt

    Lesbians can also take Viagra.
    They don’t have to swallow it, they can just let it melt on their tongues.

  • Step by step

    Instructions for falling down stairs…
    Step 1

          Step 2

                  Step 4

                          Step 8

  • Bet

    I bet that the little Red Riding Hood was blond.

  • Over…

    After my girlfriends father died we decided to get married stood on his grave.
    Well he did say I could marry his daughter over his dead body.

  • Fantasy

    My husband asked me dress up as a nurse tonight to fulfill his fantasy…that we have Health Insurance!

  • for a minute

    “I’ve been cheating on you,” I said to my wife .
    She said, “Really? Honestly? You lousy bastard.”
    “And furthermore,” I said, “she says I am fucking amazing in bed.”
    “Fucking hell, Stu ,” she said. “You silly bastard, you had me going there for a minute as well.”

  • Coincidentally

    me: ladies first
    her: is that because you want to look at my ass?
    me: no, it’s because I’m a gentleman…… looking at your ass is completely coincidental