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  • Close the lid..

  • Perfect gift

  • Not a Damn Thing

    So a Police Officer pulls over a little old lady in a car going a bit too slow…
    Police officer asks the usual, “…know why I pulled you over…” “…license, registration, proof of insurance…”

    Lady hands everything over as usual,

    And then the Officer asks, “Ma’am, you got any weapons in the car I should know about?”

    Old Lady answers “a .45 at my waistband, a Glock in the Center Console, a .357 Revolver in the Glove Box, a 12 Gauge under the back seat, and an AR-10 in the trunk.”

    The officer asks, “Jeez, Lady, what the hell are you so afraid of?”

    The Lady then answers “Not a Damn Thing.”

  • @Strype

    “Do you have any idea the long term damage that alcohol is doing to your liver?” the Doctor asked.
    “Fuck off Doc,” I replied, “You always try this one when it’s your round.”

  • Picture

  • discount

    Announcement on the clinic website:
    Breast enlargement. Penis enlargement.
    Discount available for ordering both.

  • when you miss the ads

    – Dear, turn off the TV. It distracts me when we make love, and I can’t finish!
    – I can’t, honey, we’re in the cinema.

  • @Strype

    My wife said I’m a useless, lazy slob & she deserves better..

    I said, “You woke me up at 3 O’clock in the fucking afternoon just to tell me that?!

  • @Nevil

    I’ve started dating Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother.

    She’s an animal in bed.

  • @Mo

    I’m in big trouble with my wife. Lying in bed, she asked ” What I’d like to do most with her body?”

    Apparently, “Identify it”, wasn’t the right answer.