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  • Little atheistic joke

  • Will this fit children?

  • How workplace violence starts

  • Walk of shame


  • Why I use subtitles


    “Your underwear is too tight and very revealing” I said to my wife

    She said, “Wear your own then dickhead” ?


    Her: Do these jeans make my ass look big?
    Me: Not at all. Your ass make those jeans look small.


    “Oh fine, I’ll just have one bite”.

    Narrator: ” He was, in fact, about to have more than just one bite. He was about to eat the whole fucking thing”.


    Girlfriend: I’m going to leave you if you don’t stop wearing different clothes every hour.
    Me: Wait pleeeease ‼‼ l can change.


    “oh, and another thing”

    ~ women 3 days after the argument is over