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  • @TP delivery guy

    Boss: You’re doing great! Keep doing what you’re doing.

    Me: I wish I knew what I was doing.

  • @LORI

    Me: Do you want me to look into your eyes when I stick it in my mouth?

    Officer: Ma’am just blow into the breathalyzer please.

  • @Spoon

    Alcohol: Post it, it’s fuckin hilarious.
    Sobriety: WTF?…I’m never drinking again.

  • @Nutty squirrel

    I have only one word for women that want to treat me like a sex object…


  • @Jeep

    I’m never really sure if I have free time, or if I’m just forgetting all the shit I’m supposed to be doing.

  • @Funny face

    How many Freudian analysts does it take to change a light bulb? Two, one to change the bulb and one to hold the penis…..LADDER! I mean ladder!!

  • @Jeep

    Don’t hate me because I’m handsome, stick around, I’ll give you plenty of other legitimate reasons.

  • That does suck

  • learned how to say hi in mandarin.

  • My local barbers humour is on point