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A game warden catches an unlicensed fisherman in the act (same but different)

Somewhere out deep on an Alabama lake there’s a Redneck lighting sticks of dynamite and tossing them into the water. After each tremendous explosion, he grabs his net and pulls the dead fish into his boat. Before too long, the Game Warden races out, lights and sirens blaring and screaming at the top of his lungs:GW: “Hey! Just what in THE HELL do you think you’re DOING!?”R: “Wuts it look like Warden? I’m fishin'”GW: “Are you CRAZY? This is illegal! How’d you get that dynamite anyways? Is that boat registered? Do you even have a license??….”The redneck cuts him off by handing the warden a lit stick of dynamite and says:”Look, do you wanna argue or do you wanna fish?”