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A pirate joke

So two pirates are working on a pirate ship, one of them is an older pirate and one of them is a new pirate. So they’re going along working and the younger pirate turns to the older pirate and says, “hey I see you got a peg leg there, how’d you get that?” The older pirate turns to him and says, “arg I fell off the boat once and a shark bit it clean off arg.”They continue working and after a bit the younger pirate turns to him again and says, “hey I see you got a hook for a hand there how’d you get that?” The older pirate turns to him and replies, “arg I was boarding an enemy ship during battle and one of the enemy cut it clean off with this blade arg.”They continue working, then after a bit the younger pirate turns to the older and says, “hey I see you got a patch over your eye how’d you get that?” The older pirate turns to him and replies, “arg there was a bird flying overhead and he pooped, and it landed straight in me eye arg.”The younger pirate looks at him and says, “wow bird poop took out your eye that’s crazy.” The older pirate replies, “arg, first day with me hook.”

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