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The Left media need to decide on a strategy to tackle the influence of the Right media.

If you think about all the celebrities, movie stars, sports stars, comedians, all the late night shows, you’d think conservatives would have no chance.But in Australia, the US and now the UK with a record majority, it’s completely the other way and swinging further.I feel like this is because of the way Left media (or pop culture) treats the right wing and their politicians. If you read Right media (basically Murdoch) they know how to really attack an opponent and actually influence the way people vote.I’m going to ramble here and I don’t really have exactly conflicting examples, but bear with me.Using Australia as an example, no one really talks about the massive cuts the conservative NSW state government made to the fire prevention service, and now we have bushfires worse than ever before.But you know everyone has seen that footage of Donald Trump with toilet paper on his shoe, or Theresa May’s dancing, or that interview of Boris Johnson talking about making buses.The Left media and pop culture need to understand that while these things get a chuckle and a few retweets, it doesn’t make people not vote for them. If they’re serious about winning back governments, they need to report on what the conservative governments are actually doing, rather than just make fun of them.