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Seeing strange things above my bed as a kid

After months of reading creepy posts here and on similar subs I’ve thought back and recalled what feels like the closest thing to a paranormal experience I’ve ever had. When I was a little kid I often thought I saw strange things above my bed. The only one of these things I can accurately recall is this face of a man on the wall behind and above the end side of the my bed where my pillow was. I would look up there in the pitch blackness and see a face that moved a lot like the soul sphere from Doom, like just 3 frames of movement which looked like it was moving its facial muscles to make some expression I can’t remember. However its appearance was gray and looked like one of those masks you see in theaters to represent comedy and tragedy but possibility with hair and slightly more realistic proportions of the facial features. Its size I estimate to be the size of a baby’s head and it made no sounds.I told my parents about these strange things and I think I actually saw them over multiple nights I dunno really. It felt like I saw the head for a while looking up to it and because it scared me I think I would look away and then look back up again and it would still be there. I wished it would just end. My dad said these things must have been mirages and that’s when I first heard of that phenomenon and that you tend to see them in deserts. When I told mother about the man she asked me if I was frightened but I didn’t want her concerned so just said “No, he was making funny faces at me!”