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A man walks into a grocery store.

A man walks into a grocery store. After getting all his groceries, he sees something interesting at the check-out counter. Not knowing what it is, he asks a worker. The worker replies, “Why, that’s a thermos! It keeps your hot stuff hot, and your cold stuff cold!” Intrigued, the man decides to buy it. He picks out a lovely blue one and plops it down on the check-out conveyer belt. The worker assured him that he will like his purchase, and the man agrees. After all, he often has hot stuff he would like to keep hot and cold stuff he would like to stay cold, who doesn’t? The man promptly leaves the grocery store, and the worker forgets all about the experience. He knew it was a great thermos and was sure the man would enjoy it. However, a few days later the same man storms in. He looks extremely angry and demands to see the worker who sold him the thermos. Upon seeing the worker, the man opens his thermos and flings its contents at him. The worker, now sticky and covered with popsicle sticks, is very confused. He asks the man, “What is this about? Why did you do that?” The man replies, “You lied about the thermos! It doesn’t work at all!” The worker, knowing that the thermos does work and is extremely high quality, asks, “What do you mean? How did it not work?” The man replies, “Well you said that it keeps the hot stuff hot and the cold stuff cold, right? Well then explain to me why when I got to work my coffee was lukewarm and my ice cream bars were gone!”My Pakistani uncle told me this joke and it made me laugh. Hopefully you guys can get a kick out of it as well.