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Uga Buga or Death?

Three men who travelled to explore Africa got kidnapped by a large African tribe. The kidnappers locked the three man in small cages and left them there with no food or water for 3 days.After the three days had passed, the entire tribe gathered around the cages. Their leader, a huge African man with no clothes approached the first man and asked him loudly: “Uga Buga… Or death?”The man was shocked he didn’t know what to say so the leader asked again: “Uga Buga… Or death?”Since the man didn’t want to die he said in fear: “I choose Uga Buga”The tribe’s leader cheered: “Uga Buga”, pulled the man out of his cage and f***ed him while the entire tribe cheers.After 3 hours the leader grew tired, he threw the man back to his cage and the entire tribe left as the man cried.A day has passed and the ceremony was repeated.The entire tribe gathered around the cages and the leader approached the second man and asked him: “Uga Buga… Or death?”The second man was scared but he didn’t want to die so he said: “Uga Buga”