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Palette Cleanser

The first time Charlie ate dinner with his girlfriend’s family, her mom prepared a huge pot of soup for the whole family. The dad, mom, and little brother were all there. Although Charlie couldn’t identify the exact contents, it smelled pretty good, and Charlie hadn’t eaten all day. Everyone was eager to eat too, so they all dug in with gusto.Charlie dug in too…and grimaced.The girlfriend’s mom noticed the contorted look on Charlie’s face, “Is everything ok?”Charlie: “Oh yeah….yeah (cough) everything’s super, this is real good Mrs. J.”Charlie’s girlfriend looks at him knowingly, “It takes some getting used to. It’s an acquired taste.”Then Charlie’s girlfriend’s little 10 year old brother pipes up: “How do you acquire the taste of shit?”Charlie gasped, not believing what the boy had said. The silence around the table was deafening, but the dad after a couple of moments and another spoonful simply shrugged: “Practice”.