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Ned and Fred, the Idiot Brothers…

Ned & Fred were building a house. Ned was putting up siding. He would take a nail out of his pouch, inspect it, sometimes hammer it in, other times, toss it into the trash.Fred saw this, went over and said “What are you doing, tossing out perfectly good nails!?”Ned explained, “See this nail” taking one from his pouch and holding it up to the siding, “It’s perfect! ” and he hammers it into the siding.”However”, he says next, pulling another nail out and holds it up to the siding, “This nail has the pointy end on the wrong side! It won’t go in because it’s backwards!”.Fred, clearly irritated by his idiot brother explains, “Look, you moron, there is nothing wrong with those nails” pointing to the nails in the trash, “Those are for the other side of the house!”