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I thought I loved you until you started to show off your true self.

[SERIOUS] [TRIGGER WARNING] The only reason why I broke up with you was because of how poorly you treated me. You never loved me. You said you did love me, but deep down you really didn’t love me. You only loved me for my body. Everytime I went over to your house all you would do is try to have sex with me. I told you to stop doing that multiple times. You would apologize for doing it, but you still did it anyways. You tried to guilt trip me by say that you couldn’t control it. You even sent some pretty disturbing messeges to me almost everyday. Every single conversation was about us having sex when we’re both 18. You never cared about me. You never cared about my feelings. All you cared about is yourself and your feelings. Everytime I tried to talk to you about my problems you would act like they were your problems. You were very overprotective over me. You questioned everything I say and do. You question who my friends are or who I’m speaking to. You question where I’m going at all times. I honestly was afraid to hang out with friends because I was afraid that you would beat them up for no reason. One day I finally hit my breaking point and broke off our relationship. You tried everything to win me back over. You tried to apologize profusely, which I declined. You threatened me by saying that you’re sister is going to beat me up. It was then that I realized that you’re a manipulative piece of trash who has no self control.