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  • @Jeep

    People are bragging about now being able to 3D print a gun, I don’t see what the big deal is, I’ve had a cannon printer for years

  • @DanielTosh

    Plastic surgery finally gives people the opportunity to represent externally how they feel on the inside … fake.

  • @vartha

    Today, the girl next door gave me her number and said I could call her any time.
    I looked at her and said: “Well, that’s a funny name.”

  • @MarsBonfire

    Winning the lottery can sometimes be wife changing.

  • @Felmeme

    I searched the internet for a Rorschach test
    but all I found were a bunch of drawings of my parents having sex

  • @greedydita

    I told my therapist that I feel like I’m living in a sitcom.
    And then about 30 people laughed.

  • @BlackBerry_tekken

    I asked a time traveller when will I get a girlfriend.
    He said he can’t travel that far in future.

  • @An_aussie_in_ct

    There is a short time, later on in every woman’s life, when she ignores the opposite gender for a while

    It’s called men-on-pause

  • I don’t tell you how to live your life!

  • @MO

    Just spent 30 minutes on the treadmill.

    Tomorrow I’m going to turn it on.