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  • Police arrested a time traveller from 2018.
    He still can’t believe that he was arrested for not wearing a mask in a bank.

  • I needed a password eight characters long. I went with SnowWhiteAndTheSevenDwarves

  • So much nudity online these days . . .

    . . . sometimes I just sit in front of my laptop shaking my fist.

  • My therapist says I have a problem trusting people.
    Or at least she claims she’s my therapist.

  • Sat down in a restaurant to eat dinner last night, and the waiter asked if I’d like to hear today’s special.
    I said yeah
    He said, today is special.
    I said, I can appreciate a good dad joke, but can you tell me about the menu please.
    The waiter slams his notebook down on the table, and says, sir the men I please is my own private business.

  • A wise man once told me to never give up on my dreams.
    That is why I keep sleeping.

  • I got a world map for my wall, I’m going to put pins in all the places I’ve traveled to …
    … but first, I have to travel to the top two corners of the map so it won’t fall down.

  • I found an erectile dysfunction group online, it looks fun.
    It can’t be hard to join

  • To all the teachers who said I would be nothing but a construction worker and an alcoholic.
    Fuck you that just was a lucky guess

  • What happens when a computer engineer fails flirting with a waitress?
    Error in connecting to the server