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  • here

    Misspelled words can sometime ruin your life. One man sent this text to his wife..”I’m having a great time, wish you were her.

  • mini skirt

    Girl: My lips are so chapped!

    Nerd: Well, it’s your own fault for wearing mini skirts in winter.

  • interesting ad

    The following ad in The Atlanta Journal is reported to  have received numerous calls.

     SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant.  I’m a very good looking girl who LOVES to play.  I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. 
    Read More »interesting ad

  • not capable

    Group sex…

    For those not capable of getting the job done themselves!!

  • at 16

    When I was a kid, we all played spin the bottle. A girl would spin the bottle and if it pointed to you when it stopped, the girl could either kiss you or give you a penny.
    By the time I was 16 I owned my own house.

  • drug

    The internet is a drug. You get on for 1 minute to check your Facebook, 4 hours later your pants are down by your ankles and you feel all awkward and lonely.

  • nothing new

    They say the Kindle Fire is the first tablet that allows you to communicate with the cloud.
    I found I was able to communicate with both clouds and rainbows using LSD.

  • cat life

    How is it that whenever I run over a cat it’s on it’s 9th life?

  • the near future

    Standing on the street, I was telling a co worker about how the government plants surveillance devices in street equipment to watch us…
    “That’s a fucking lie”, replied a lamp post.

  • Swiss

    “What’s the biggest advantage of living in Switzerland?”

    “Well, the flag is a big plus!”