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  • Trust

    I can’t get out of bed. These blankets have accepted me as one of their own and if I leave now, I might lose their trust.

  • I’m here

    I’ll call it a “smart” phone the day I yell “Where’s my phone?!” and it answers, “I’m here! Under your jacket!”

  • literally

    It’s hard to explain jokes to kleptomaniacs, because they always take everything literally.

  • long time

    Took the wife out for dinner last night & I was just about to order the steak when she said, “Why don’t you try something you haven’t had for a long time?”
    So I asked the waitress for some sex.

  • advice

    the best relationship advice i can give you is make sure you’re the crazy one…

  • reminder

    Sometimes, my secretary reminds me of my wife.        
    I was unbuttoning her blouse the other day, and she said, “Remember, you have a wife.”

  • boring

    You`re so boring, if you threw a boomerang, it wouldn`t come back to you.

  • new way

    ‘Lite’, the new way to spell ‘light’, now with 20% fewer letters.

  • True fact

    High heels were originally created for men. Butchers used them to avoid stepping in blood.

    They were also used as weapons befor they became fashion accessories.

  • actually

    I love the internet becuase its the one place where people from all different cultures can socialize and share ideas and…….wait, which folder did my porn download to?!?!